Leamington Spa

01926 257 454

Maintenance and Servicing a Boiler Annually

Maintenance of a boiler is not an easy task especially during winter, but servicing of a boiler annually, can improve efficiency, save money and lower bills. A Boiler service includes checking, cleaning, testing and fault spotting. Only a certified engineer can carry out this job correctly, so make sure to a hire certified engineer.

Regular servicing of a boiler ensures safety and helps in identifying and improving problems such as carbon monoxide poisoning which is very harmful. It is an odourless, colourless and tasteless gas that can claim lives. But these leaks are rare so regular checking and maintenance helps in protecting incidences and keeps your family safe.

A Serviced boiler is an energy efficient boiler. But if there is a fault, inspection and testing should be done by experienced engineers using quality parts. A boiler which is not working can have an impact on your energy bills and equally, an efficient boiler can reduce your energy bills.

Boiler maintenance is necessary but regular testing should be done by qualified engineers as the boiler system is very complicated. For your safety you are advised to install audible alarm to help in leak detection.

Extend Life
Annual servicing helps extend the life of a boiler and ensures that you can use it for a longer period of time without problems.

Covers claims
Get your boiler insured because insurance Companys require a service record to honour your boiler cover claims.